Why Choose Lectron Care? Extended Warranty Benefits for Your EV Charge — Lectron EV Skip to content
Why Choose Lectron Care? Extended Warranty Benefits for Your EV Charger & Accessories

Why Choose Lectron Care? Extended Warranty Benefits for Your EV Charger & Accessories

Electric vehicle (EV) chargers and adapters are among the most heavily used components of an EV. On average, EV drivers charge their vehicles 2-3 times a week, with some even charging nightly for top-ups, depending on their range.

Home EV chargers are categorized into two categories: plug-in and hardwired. Hardwired units are typically installed in covered garages and come complete with a docking station to keep the setup nice and neat. Having one installed can set you back around $500 and up, excluding permits, panel upgrades, and professional fees. On the other hand, plug-in ones can be taken anywhere like a typical device charger, and plugged into a household outlet. While cheaper than their hardwired counterparts, portable chargers still go upwards of $200. The bottom line is that these types of equipment do not come cheap. And you certainly want them protected from any damage.

While most EV chargers are rated for general outdoor use, they are still prone to wear and tear, especially if used haphazardly. In the case of portable chargers, some do come with a carrying case, but if you’re using it every night, you’re probably guilty of just bunching up the cable and storing it in your garage storage.

How Your Charging Habits Damage Your Accessories

Your charging habits can affect the life and performance of your EV chargers and accessories. Even the toughest equipment can wear out with regular use, especially if used carelessly.

Home Chargers

Plugging your home charger into an ungrounded circuit or using it during a storm can expose it to power surges. Over time, these surges can damage internal components and reduce efficiency or cause failure. If your hardwired charger isn’t installed correctly it can overheat or have connection issues. This can cause the charger to malfunction and even be a safety hazard. However, good-quality chargers will typically have overcurrent and overheating protection to avoid these scenarios.

Portable Chargers

Frequent plugging and unplugging is part of using portable chargers. A lot of people, especially those who aren’t over their range anxiety phase yet, will take every chance they can to top-up throughout the day, whether it be at home, work, or anywhere permissible with a compatible outlet. But this can wear out the connectors and eventually cause loose or unreliable connections

Another enemy of plug-in chargers is exposure to elements. While some are outdoor rated, leaving them out in the rain or under direct sunlight for extended periods can degrade the internals.


Using your adapters at public charging stations exposes them to different and sometimes faulty electrical outputs which can wear them out and eventually fail. One of the most common issues is voltage mismatch, which happens when the adapter doesn’t meet the charger’s voltage ratings. 

Another culprit is the charging connector itself. According to a J.D. Power report, around 21% of EV drivers experience charging failures at public charging stations, and 4% of this is related to the connectors. Whether it’s bent charging pins or molten nozzles, using an adapter that’s not plugged in securely can cause it to overheat or spark.

Can EV Chargers and Adapters Be Repaired?

Generally, EV chargers are repairable to some extent. However, if you have the slower and cheaper Level 1 charger, you’re probably better off buying a new one instead. On the other hand, Wi-Fi-enabled Level 2 chargers can be repaired remotely via software updates, save for more serious issues that require a site visit by a professional.

In the case of adapters, they’re usually not repairable, and the best course of action is to file for a claim, as long as it’s still under warranty. You can either have the defective product replaced or get a refund, depending on the policy guidelines.

Luckily, manufacturers offer warranties that guarantee repairs and replacements without additional costs. The downside is that these are often limited to a few years. For reference, an average EV charger has a lifespan of 5-8 years. So your warranty will have likely lapsed by the time your charger experiences any issues, provided that you got it from a reputable manufacturer.

How Much Does It Cost To Have a Home EV Charger and Adapter Repaired?

It’s hard to pin down the exact costs for home EV charger repairs, but it will typically depend on the extent of the damage and the charging level. Level 2 home charging stations will naturally require a more complex repair, especially those with advanced features like Wi-Fi connectivity. As for portable ones, again, you’ll probably save more money buying a new unit than having your defective one repaired.

That’s why it’s crucial to choose a reputable manufacturer that offers a warranty covering certain types of faults throughout the device’s lifetime. The best-case scenario is you’ll never have to claim on the policy. But with a warranty, you’re likely saving hundreds of dollars on repair costs.

Lectron Care Has You Covered

Lectron offers a limited two-year warranty on all EV chargers and accessories like adapters and extension cables. But if you feel like having your investment protected for an extended period, Lectron Care has you covered.

With Lectron Care, your purchase is covered for an additional 3 years after the manufacturer’s warranty expires. This includes 24/7 customer support and fast online claims and replacement without any deductibles. The extended warranty offers replacements for mechanical and electrical failures on chargers. Do note that accidental damage, regular wear and tear, tampering with the installed charging device, or using it inappropriately can void this warranty.

If you take care of your Lectron device, you’ll probably never have to use this warranty. However, having a policy as a fall back is part of thinking ahead and preparing for the unexpected.

Fill out the Product Registration form on our website today and protect your valuable investment for the long haul with Lectron Care! Powered by Extend. Terms & conditions apply.

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